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We recently finished Seniors’ Week, which is a time dedicated to recognizing the tremendous value the aging population brings to our communities. Not only do seniors offer wisdom and experience, but they contribute artistically, economically, socially, emotionally and intellectually to the lives of every generation. By supporting their families, continuing to work well after retirement, mentoring younger generations and volunteering, they are active and vital contributors to our homes, workplaces, and communities.

I often say that we begin aging the moment we are born. Aging is an exciting process full of change and possibilities. Just because we are getting older, doesn’t mean we don’t want to enjoy life and experience the activities we’ve done our whole lives. My personal goal is to foster that energy in others, spark joy in people’s lives and help enable seniors to remain independent and connected in whatever ways they can.

At Schulman Design, we work every day to create life-enhancing design solutions for seniors and those with cognitive or physical limitations. At our core, we believe FUN is essential for everyone, at any age. We empower others by focusing on what the CAN do, instead of their limitations. Seniors are dynamic, just like every other age group. They continue to grow, develop, learn and experience life in the same way we all do.

I encourage you to think about the older people in your own life year-round. How do you help them enjoy the little (or big things)? How do you make them laugh? When was the last time you gave them a truly fun experience or enabled them to grow?

And, in case you missed these on my Facebook, here are some of my favourite videos that exemplify sparking joy!

Take care,
